Children growth and development is continuous process. The developmental
progression of self esteem through once life span has beautifully explained in
psychosocial theory by Eric Erikson ?A study to evaluate the effectiveness of
creative art on self esteem among physically disabled children in special
school at Mysore? 60 samples were selected experimental and control group,
using non probability purposive sampling technique. The sample of the study
comprised children studying special school (Deaf and Dum) with the age group of
10-14 years, those who are fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Data collection
was done by using self esteem inventory scale to assess the self esteem among
special school children. In the analysis Experimental group? paired ?t? test
computed between mean pretest and post test level of self esteem was
significant at 0.05 level. Calculated ?t? value 23.74 greater than ?t? Table
valuet29=2.05. Creative art can provide the children easier way to express the
self esteem themselves as they are more naturally, artistic and creative, as a
parents respect the children?s activities and encourage in positive ways
especially physically challenged children. - See more at:
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