The present study deals with production,
extraction and optimization of the extracellular fungal uricase. The fungal
flora will be isolated from soil .Optimization of some nutritional and physical
factors in the basal medium in order to intensify the production of
extracellular uricases will be carried out. The optimization factores recored
the highest value of specific activity for producing uricase:( uric acid +2%
yeast extract ) media was recored (14.83 U/mg) , lactose was recored as a
carbon source (8.23 U/mg), uric acid was recored (14.05U/mg) as a nitrogen
source, the highest phosphourse source NaH2PO4 was recored ( 7.1 U/mg) ,and
then the highest elements source was mangnous sulphate recored (1 2.64 U/mg)
,and the ascorbic acid was recored the highest specific activity (13.01U/ mg)
as avitamin source , glycin was the highest amion acid source for producing
enzyme (13.93 U/mg), the optimum PH and temperture were (6.0)and 30 o C recored
(13.65 U/mg) , (15.24 U/mg) respectively.the incubation period was recored (15
.71 U /mg). - See more at:
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