Tuesday, 3 May 2016

RESULTS OF OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF PAEDIATRIC FEMORAL DIAPHYSEAL FRACTURES WITH CLOSED REDUCTION AND TENS AT A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE, A PROSPECTIVE STUDY. - See more at: http://www.journalijar.com/article/8381/results-of-operative-management-of-paediatric-femoral-diaphyseal-fractures-with-closed-reduction-and-tens-at-a-tertiary-care-centre,-a-prospective-study./#sthash.JhwbYkJT.dpuf

50 cases of fracture shaft of femur were managed by closed reduction with TENS at post graduate department of orthopaedics G.M.C Jammu between July 2013 to July 2015 Out of 50 cases 36 (72%) cases were male and 14(28%) female. These fractures were common in the age group between 9 to 12 years accounting for 26 cases (52%) who were involved in outdoor activities, sports and hence more prone to trauma. Right limb (60%) was more involved than left limb (40%), Road traffic accidents (80%) was the major cause of fracture shaft of femur followed by fall from height (20%), Middle third (76%) of shaft was mostly fractured followed by proximal third (20%) then lower third (4%), transverse fracture was the most common pattern of fracture (60%) followed by short oblique (24%) and short spiral type(16%). No patient develop superficial or deep infection at the surgical site.Total period of union took from 8 to 10 weeks, average time of union was 9weeks. It was also seen that 6 patients (12%) had limb length discrepancy of less than 2cm and 4 patients (8%) had angulation of less than 5 degrees and 6 patients (12%) had knee stiffness after TENS. Overall results based on Flynn et al criteria was excellent in 48 cases (96%) and good in 2 case (4%). - See more at: 

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