Tuesday, 3 May 2016

TOXICITY EVALUATION AND PROTEIN LEVELS OF FISH LABEO ROHITA EXPOSED TO PYRACLOSTROBIN 20%WG (CARBAMATE) - See more at: http://www.journalijar.com/article/8368/toxicity-evaluation-and-protein-levels-of-fish-labeo-rohita-exposed-to-pyraclostrobin-20%wg-(carbamate)/#sthash.OHyuGRCa.dpuf

Pollution the water by harmful chemicals can leads to entry of pollutants into food chain. Water bodies play a major role in assimilating or carrying of industrial and municipal waste water, runoff from agricultural fields, roadways and street which are responsible for water pollution. In the present study influenced the amount of carbamate Pyraclostrobin (20%) pesticide on freshwater fish Labeo rohita. The fish were acclimatized to laboratory conditions for 7-10 days and then exposed to different lethal concentrations of pyraclostrobin (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3?g/L) for 96hr along with the controls. Water parameters were also taken during the experiment. The 96hr LC50 of pyraclostrobin was found in 1.4?g/l and the sublethal was taken as 1/10th of the lethal concentration. The LC50 values were calculated in Finney Probit method. The 96hr value of pyraclostrobin lower bond was in (1.3503) and the upper bond was in (1.4497). The effect of carbamate, fish showed uncontrolled behaviour like mucus secretion, decreased agility and inability to maintain normal position and erradic swimming were seen in exposure time of the carbamate toxicant. The fish were exposed to lethal and sublethal concentrations for 24hr, 5th and 10th days. After each exposure period, different tissues were taken to estimate the protein levels. Consequently, the protein activity levels were decreased in all the tissues like liver, kidney, brain, gill and muscle exposed to lethal and sublethal concentrations of pyraclostrobin when compare with the controls. - See more at: 

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