Tuesday, 3 May 2016

NATURAL AGENTS WITH IRON CHELATION POTENTIAL: A NEW HOPE AND PROMISE FOR CHEAPER SUPPLEMENT OF COSTLY IRON CHELATING MEDICINES FOR TRANSFUSION DEPENDENT THALASSAEMICS. - See more at: http://www.journalijar.com/article/8379/natural-agents-with-iron-chelation-potential:-a-new-hope-and-promise-for-cheaper-supplement-of-costly-iron-chelating-medicines-for-transfusion-dependent-thalassaemics./#sthash.22qp3x4h.dpuf

Thalassaemia is a blood-borne genetic disorder, which causes iron overload due to recurrent blood transfusions, especially in major and intermedia cases. Too much iron in the body is called iron overload. Iron overload is a condition characterized by the deposition of iron within the body (hemosiderosis). Symptoms of iron overload include: chronic fatigue, joint pain, abdominal pain, irregular heart rhythm, hair loss, skin color changes. So, along with blood transfusions, iron chelating drugs have to be administered in transfusion dependent major and intermedia patients with transfusional iron overload. But the common iron chelating drugs, available in market [DESFERAL (Desferroxamine), KELFER (Deferiprone), ASUNRA (Desferasirox)] has very costly for the economically backward patients and their family. At the same time, these market available drugs have very bad side effects, especially for long term use. In this review, we try to give a detailed account of all the natural agents, which have good iron chelating potential along with their sources. These natural agents are much less costly than the available drugs and being natural food agents, these will never show harmful side effects as the drugs show. So, this paper will enlighten all concern people; clinicians, patients, health workers with natural agents as newer alternatives to costly iron chelating drugs with harmful side effects. Not only the natural agents will bring hope and promise to the patients who cannot afford cost iron chelating drugs, but also it attracts the pharmaceutical companies to promote research on these agents, extract active ingredients and formulate newer generation of iron chelating drugs at lower price and lesser side effects. - See more at: 

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