In this new era of
time, a big issue like Oligospermia is one of the most concerning factors for
male infertility and threatens a considerable population in the human society.
Though it is a challenging one to treat, Siddha drugs assures positive results
in this area and thus making need of a mass level research. This study is a
short research communication conducted at Siddha Regional Research Institute,
Puducherry on five patients who attended the OPD during the period July 2009 to
March 2010 retrospectively. A complete clinical history and the Semen analysis
were taken before and after treatment to assess the efficacy of the Siddha
drugs. The patients were administered the drugs AmukkuraChurnam 1 gm with
SilasathuParpam 200 mg along with 100 ml of cow’s milk, b.i.d for a period of
three months. The results were tabulated with relevant clinical and laboratory
data. There was significant response in increasing the sperm count and motility
and it will be carried out in mass number of patients to ascertain its
potential efficacy - See more at:
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