Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Comparison of batteries in automotives.

This paper gives a general overview of Comparisons of batteries in automotive. The increasing demand for the depleting non-renewable energy sources led to the increasing need for research and development for harnessing renewable energy sources efficiently. The worldwide increase in demand for fossil fuels for applications like transportation and the pressing need to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions has fostered the meteoric development in electric and hybrid vehicle (HEV) technology. . Using electric energy for transportation purposes will help reduce not only the greenhouse gases but also the dependency on conventional fuels. Using batteries as a source of electric energy along with an internal combustion engine (ICE) supplying the average power required by the vehicle is an efficient way of using the vehicle. Also, less probability for mass production of fuel cell vehicles makes the HEVs a viable near term option to reduce the green house dependency on foreign oil resources gases and also decrease the dependency of foreign oil resource. - Seemore at:

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